Wednesday, 19 May 2010

The heat wave struck us hard

Main Porto city beach, Matosinhos.

Yes, the heat wave struck us hard. After cold winter the spring is back bringing 30º C temperatures and "full of people" beaches of Porto. Photographed from the Praça da Cidade do Salvador, Porto.

Wednesday, 19th of May 2010, 16.10 hour.



  1. Well well. Envy a bit. In the same time heavy rain struck Poland and some other countries in central Europe. Instead of beach we have a dramatic flood.

  2. The very best place to be is the beach during a heat wave!

  3. @MIQ: Sorry to hear that. God bless You!
    @Tricia: Today we found our garden a perfect refugee from the heat wave. Just spent our Wednesday sitting there with a glass ( or two ) of nice cold Muros Antigos Loureiro wine.
